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Van Helden 远征潜艇 Saab Damen


The Expeditionary segment (C71) are the largest submarines in Saab’s offer, 专为长期任务设计. 立足成功, proven and future-proof design it incorporates the latest capabilities and technologies, 虽然它的模块化设计可以随着技术的发展而增加新技术,以确保与未来的相关性. 这艘远征潜艇是在柯林斯级和布莱金级潜艇的成功基础上建造的, operated by the Royal 澳大利亚n Navy and the Swedish Navy.


Advanced conventional submarines made for expeditionary missions.
Based on customer-adaptable modular design and state of the art technology.
Originated from operational proven submarine classes.

Outlast, outperform, outmanoeuvre

The C71 family Expeditionary submarine is a long-range, 高耐用性血管, with the accommodation and storage capacity to keep its crew comfortable, fully equipped and operational for longer. 

Protecting underwater infrastructure and shipping routes is imperative. Saab’s submarines have vast experience in seabed operations, and are ideal for the protection of critical underwater infrastructure, 还有航线.


A Dutch submarine for the Royal Netherlands Navy

十大正规博彩网站排名公司于2023年7月提交了替换荷兰现有潜艇的提案. 该提案包括四艘基于C71家族的先进远征潜艇,并包括与荷兰造船厂达门造船厂集团的合作.




合作的结果将是为远征任务定制一艘客户适应的潜艇. 这将确保荷兰皇家海军继续在欧洲水域以及全球发挥重要作用.

除了, “海象”号的替代舰也将受益于瑞典海军哥特兰中期寿命升级所反映的操作经验. 因此,远征潜艇将装备最先进的技术,同时受益于四个潜艇级别的风险降低. Saab and Damen are thereby creating one of the most modern submarines in the world, which if selected by the Royal Netherlands navy, will be done in consultation with the customer using a ‘design to cost’ approach.

Submarine capabilities meeting international demands

Having secured the cooperation of many Dutch companies, Saab and Damen are set to enhance the domestic submarine competence. This cooperation will also extend beyond the Dutch submarine project, 两家公司都看到了这种先进常规潜艇市场的增长.

Both Saab and Damen are based in relatively small countries, which means that both companies must naturally be extremely good at collaboration to be able to operate successfully on an international level; it almost seems to be embedded in the DNA of both organisations. 这与基于成本效益的质量和适应性模块化的类似设计理念相结合,意味着Saab-Kockums是荷兰三螺旋结构的完美合作伙伴.

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Saab Damen has the support and backing of members of NIDV, NMT and an extensive Dutch industrial base.


The Oceanic Extended range segment can be exemplified by the Collins-class submarine. 1993年至2001年, six Collins-class潜艇 were designed, constructed and delivered to the 澳大利亚n Navy.


一艘远程、多任务巡逻潜艇需要用于短期和长期的操作. Saab’s business area Kockums worked alongside the 澳大利亚n Submarine Corporation (ASC), 采用先进的模块化方法,为设计和施工提供技术转让. At the time, this was the largest single export deal from Sweden in history.

77.8 metres (255 ft) in length, with a beam of 7.8 metres (26 ft) and a waterline depth of 7 metres (23 ft), 这六艘潜艇在服役时是世界上最大的常规动力潜艇. The submarines are single-hulled with two deck compartments.



Saab has built 6 new submarine designs since the 1960’s.




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